Harry Potter 6

Okay, as i mentioned in the previous post, i was due to watch Harry Potter 6 this week and i did, yesterday. Suffice to say, it wasn't as fun to watch as the previous Harry Potter movies - mainly due to the fact that it kinda feels like a prelude to Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows. Not that i'm saying that it's bad. It is, in its own right, a pretty good movie. At least it wasn't anything like the uber boring Twilight.

And one more thing, kids + movie = annoying. Damn, there was this amazingly ANNOYING brat sitting at the row behind mine and he just couldn't stop f-ing making comments every now and then. Ugh, i felt like suckerpunching him to make him shut up. How can one sit through a whole goddamn movie with someone constantly commenting on every single damn thing?!